No Code and Low Code

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In episode 16: No Code and Low Code, we discussed platforms that support creation of applications and software requiring little or no programming (the Low Code and No Code, respectively, of the episode title), allowing people without programming skills to create potentially very advanced applications. No Code AI platforms allows users to leverage very powerful AI models without the need to understand the nitty-gritty of what goes on under the hood and allowing people focus on the most central thing in any AI application – the data.

Left out

Don’t you just hate the feeling of being left out, especially from something you think is important? That is exactly how I have always felt about coding. I have never been good at math and don’t even want to be, and I have always felt that is one of the reasons I just don’t get coding. But then again, I don’t really get coders either, at least most of them (we’re mostly nice people! — Michael’s comment). But hey, we can’t possibly understand everything and everyone now can we? But still, I have always had that niggling feeling that I am missing out on something.

I have no idea how computers or software programs work but I have a great appreciation of their functions. I also have a rather good imagination and am always coming up with new and wonderful things that I could use computers for; but then I hot the wall of coding. Have an idea for an app, it needs code, got a great game idea, get coding and so it goes on, and all my great ideas stay inside my head. Or sometimes they have popped into someone else’s head and they know how to code and that’s it.

Music to the ears

So the idea of low code, or even no code, is music to my ears. I am now imagining a world where I can simply tell a machine what I want and it will create it. Of course, I know we aren’t quite there yet, but I do believe we are getting close. Imagine an AI enabled form book for horse racing that can calculate in milliseconds every possible variable in a horse race to give you a 98% certainty of which horse will win, wow. The trouble is of course, the bookies would go out of business pretty quickly so who would you bet with? But perhaps by that time you would have won so much money it wouldn’t matter.

Let’s go!

But coming back to reality, the benefits of a low to no code AI are infinite. It would lower the threshold for setting up an e-commerce business, finding things on the internet, being found on the internet. It can help non-technical artists, writers and performers to create, enhance and promote their works. In fact it can help all those non-techies finally feel included in what is, basically, the future of everything in the world. So let’s go no!

Written by Ian Bowie