Tag: Facial Recognition

  • A humanoid robot, scratching its head with one hand, as if confusedA humanoid robot, scratching its head with one hand, as if confused

    #19: Explainable AI

    In an increasingly automated world where even potentially life-and-death decisions may be outsourced to AI, who frequently operate as black boxes, understanding how and why the decisions were made becomes ever more critical. Ian and Michael discuss the concept of explainable AI.

  • A humanoid robot in a surveillance room, looking at a larger number of screens with camera feedsA humanoid robot in a surveillance room, looking at a larger number of screens with camera feeds

    #4: Facial Recognition and Bias

    Big Brother is watching all of us and facial recognition systems are employed by governments and companies alike all around the world. So what exactly is facial recognition, and is there a great risk for discrimination and bias when using facial recognition? (Spoiler alert: yes.) Ian and Michael discuss.

  • A humanoid robot standing in front of a door that leads to its home, the robot is waving welcome as if inviting you to come inA humanoid robot standing in front of a door that leads to its home, the robot is waving welcome as if inviting you to come in

    #1: A Gentle Introduction

    In the premiere episode of the podcast, Ian Bowie and Michael Stormbom give a gentle - and unfiltered - introduction to AI.