Tag: Healthcare
#58: The Smart City Dystopia, Domed Cities, Smart Mobility
Get ready to embark on a riveting adventure with Ian and Michael as they unravel the enigmatic world of hidden social credit scores and the smart city concept. In this captivating episode our intrepid hosts take you on a whirlwind journey through the controversial realm of social credit systems, the visionary dream of domed cities, and smart mobility. (This podcast description was automatically generated with ChatGPT)
#19: Explainable AI
In an increasingly automated world where even potentially life-and-death decisions may be outsourced to AI, who frequently operate as black boxes, understanding how and why the decisions were made becomes ever more critical. Ian and Michael discuss the concept of explainable AI.
#7: AI and Health
Will AI ever replace the doctor? Or will we even need to go to the doctor in the future, with AI regulating our health? Ian and Michael discuss.