Tag: LLMs
#107: AI-Powered PCs, The Hallucination Problem, AI for Mayor
Ian and Michael discuss the latest goings-on in the AI world, including the recently announced AI-powered PC concept, hallucinations being - so far - an intractable problem for large language models, and the AI chatbot running for mayor in Cheyenne, Wyoming. (This episode features AI-generated content and speech)
#50: The 50th Episode Spectacular
Our first 50 episodes are in the can! In this milestone episode, Ian and Michael discuss AI-guided road trips, using AI to create the perfect beer and the perfect chocolate (and what else do you need in life, really?) and an AI-created utopia, as well as looking forward to the topics to be covered in the next 50 episodes!
#48: The Battle of the Large Language Models
In this episode of the podcast, Ian and Michael dive deep into the latest developments in the world of large language models. The two discuss the launch of Google's Bard, and Microsoft's integration of OpenAI's models into their search engine Bing. But are these large language models really as useful as they seem? Ian and Michael weigh the pros and cons of relying on large language models for information retrieval and explore some of the challenges that come with using these technologies. (This description was automatically generated using ChatGPT)